Salutations lovers and haters

Hopefully everybody is enjoying the summer! It’s a busy period for us this summer, we’re playing all over Belgium so if you feel like it come and hang with us.

By the end of this month the vinyl release of “the pretense of normality” should be a fact. Thanks again to tom from reality records for making this happen! There will be 500 copies and the colour of choice will be white.

We added some reviews of the pretense of normality cd, most of them are in dutch. It’s awesome getting so many positive comments on our album, we’re really glad that you boys and girls are into the new album. Also check out some interviews we did:

A while back we did an interview on studio brussel, you can check that here

Some of you may have noticed that we have some weird looking black dude behind the drums these last couple of shows. That’s serch, he’ll be filling in for Benjamin. Just so you know, Benjamin did not quit the band, he’ll be doing shows again in august. Check out serch his other band, minus45degrees, they just released their album. Also released their new album, our friends from chimaera! check them out!

Take care, don’t forget to chill at some pool and/or BBQ. Feel free to contact us if you’re throwing a party, we’ll come and chill with you as we all are great fans of bbq/pool parties!

Check out break and enter, a promising new hardcore band from Belgium, their demo is awesome! if you can’t book us, book them…or die!

peace out!


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